Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Miss Dior Cherie: Advertisement Deconstruction

Whimsical. Adventurous. Independent. Feminine. Playful. Wouldn’t you want to have some of the experiences that the leading character in this advertisement is showing? The purpose of this advertisement is to sell Miss Dior Cherie perfume. It is directed exclusively to captivate a female audience. The upbeat French music paired with soft ladylike colors helps to create the perfect ambiance for the message being portrayed.

Foreshadowing Balloons
                In the opening scene, we see a few balloons floating away in a pale blue sky. This is sort of youthful and playful as children often have balloons and sometimes let them free. The balloons float in their own path without any sort of direction or structure. This is foreshadowing the style of the young woman who is the main character of the advertisement. As the balloons are drifting about whimsically, the young woman is also about to peruse around town whimsically doing anything she pleases, seamlessly without a care in the world. The message here is that you can relax and go with the flow in any manner of your choosing.

Independent Adventure
                Next, we see the young woman looking out of a backseat car window in awe. Since she is in the backseat, it gives the audience the assumption that she may be in a taxi cab. From here, we may conclude that the young woman is on vacation and vacation is a great time to be adventurous and explore. This is precisely what the young woman does next.
 The woman walks around town independently wearing a pale pink dress. Alone, she happily does some sight-seeing around a gorgeous picturesque fountain, stops to see the beautiful flowers through a shop window, carefully chooses a decadent pastry, takes herself for a bike ride, tries on a designer gown, and goes shopping all before plopping down on what appears to be a comfortable hotel suite bed for a moment of rest. We then see her using the perfume before heading back out on the town to indulge in a pastry and kiss a man. Our main character is then carried away by a bushel of colorful balloons right before the brand name is sewn across the screen using a silky-smooth material. Overall these items reiterate that you can be perfectly happy exploring on your own, without another person.

Fountain of Cleanliness and Youth
                When you think of fountains there are a few things that may come to mind. The clear water in the advertisements can be a metaphor for showering, which links to cleanliness. When you stand near a fountain especially if the wind is blowing, you may get sprayed with water. Spraying is exactly what you would do with Miss Cherie perfume. The fountain can also be analyzed to reference the fountain of youth as many women may wish to be younger. We also see the appeal regarding freshness with the use of flowers in multiple scenes. This idea is two-fold as we can conclude that flowers smell wonderful and also that the woman is looking at “fresh cut flowers”. The desire to be young and fresh is definitely targeted by the advertisement.

Product Placement
                Throughout all of the adventures described above, the product is sometimes tucked away almost to appeal to your subconscious. In other frames, the perfume bottle is blatantly engaging. The product makes its first debut in the sweets shop, but it is not the main focus. To the left of the perfume bottle, there are brightly colored treats that are pink, yellow, peach and orange that catch the viewers eye. In the first few views, it appears that they woman is selecting her treat by pointing to which item she would like. Upon closer inspection, it appears that her finger strategically happens to be pointing in the same direction as the perfume bottle. This represents that the perfume is also a treat along with the idea of “treat yourself.” Perhaps, the company is suggesting that you treat yourself by buying their perfume.
                The perfume bottle appears again in the woman’s hotel suite and again appears to blend in as opposed to stand out. Contained in the frame, we see a pair of yellow sunglasses, beautifully colored cherries, a magazine with a glamorous woman on the front, a bright pink book, a carefully wrapped box that we may assume to be jewelry, a paper weight, and a part of a vase filled with flowers. All of these items have a very feminine feel to them and follow the same theme of treating yourself, relaxing, and adventure.
                In the next perfume bottle sighting, the woman is spritzing some on her neck before heading out to her next set of escapades. Shortly following, she is seen holding what appears to be an extremely large bottle of Miss Cherie perfume and joyfully looking through the bottle as if It were a looking glass. This fits the idea of youth and playfulness. The product isn’t shown again until the very end of the advertisement.

Lavish Luxury
All of these elements combined, gives women the idea that they too can be like the woman in the advertisement if they wear Dior Miss Cherie perfume. The French music along with feminine elements and a carefree approach portrays the idea of adventurous freedom. The video clip as a whole also has a luxurious feel to it as the clothes, jewelry box, and imagery appears to be high end. The leading lady’s carefree attitude can also give the impression that she has no financial concerns, which is a very desirable position to be in. While the advertisement is entertaining to watch and lifts spirits, it is also creating an unrealistic expectation. Any woman could choose to roam around freely in a desired destination, but this perfume won’t cause that to happen. The perfume also won’t take your cares away, or make you young, but it may make you smell nice.

Note: I used the Deconstruction a Video Advertisement document posted in the module to get ideas about what to analyze and how to proceed.

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