Tuesday, November 1, 2016


              We have come quite a long way since the 1970’s when Marshall McLuhan discussed his acoustic idea.  In the very first line McLuhan states “One of the big flips that’s taking place in our time is the changeover from the eye to the ear.” This seemed like an incorrect statement as we rely on both audio and visual communication instead of one or the other. However, I was surprised by the description of the next line which described that we “are now suddenly confronted with the problems of living in an acoustic world which is, in effect, a world of simultaneous information.” Now this I completely understand as we are using multiple senses on a variety of platforms. So, which one is it? Is McLuhan saying we are going out with the visual and in with the “acoustic” or is he saying that the term “acoustic” to him means mixed media with both visual and auditory components? (McLuhan, pg.1)

Tools and Techniques
            McLuhan may have been quite ahead of his time to wonder about more than just passing along messages, but instead focused on how we interact with the platform we are using to communicate and how it impacts the user.  He explains that his theory “is a transformation theory, how people are changed by the instruments they employ.” ( McLuhan. pg.4) With this type of explanation I think that McLuhan may be utilizing Serafini’s idea of Multiliteracies. While back in the 1970’s there were not as many communication options, you can still identify that McLuhan predicted that there was more to moving messages from one point to another as he describes. Serafini concluded that in new media multiple literacy types are present, we cannot be limited to visual literacy solely. Instead we can utilize critical literacy, media literacy sometimes simultaneously. I believe that McLuhan was working to predict a similar theory in saying that it is not just visual communications that we rely on anymore. ( Serafini Pg. 26)

            In terms of Green’s theory I think that McLuhan was operating in the Critical Literacy Mode as he was actively looking for more information regarding the tools used to convey messages. The larger mass audience that he refers to may be operating in the operational realm as they may not have been as engaged and analytical about the messages being exchanged. (Green)

Thoughts and Opinions
            Throughout the entire video, I wanted to go back in time to the 1970’s to see if I could relate more to what McLuhan was discussing or describing. While some concepts were clearly understood, and explained, other subjects I felt very lost as if I needed more information to make any sort of logical sense out of it. I am still unsure if my interpretation of his speech is correct.


McLuhan, Marshall. (1970) Living in an Acoustic World. University of South Florida. Retreived from http://www.marshallmcluhanspeaks.com/media/mcluhan_pdf_6_JUkCEo0.pdf

GREEN’s Three Dimensions of Literacy Diagram

Serafini, F. (n.d.). Reading the visual: An introduction to teaching multimodal literacy.

 All images found through google image search and belong to their rightful owners.


  1. Lindsay,

    Thank you for your post. I also oscillated between thinking McLuhan had some progressive ideas and questioning if I really understood what he was saying. I think his words (such as "acoustic") had a deeper meaning than simply the auditory sense. Although I wondered if I was over interpreting his words to make sense. (As often they didn't make sense. I often had to listen and reread the transcripts multiple times to interpret.)
    I am still confused how the our alphabet is ruining the eastern world! I can understand that the adaption of western culture can be influential - but can this be blamed on the actual alphabet? (Or did I interpret his statement to literally?) I agree having more context of the 1970s would probably help!

  2. Lindsay,

    From the blogs I have read so far we are not the only ones who had a difficult time understanding some of McLuhan's points of view and ideas. Like I stated in my post, not being alive during this time period makes it difficult to understand what it was like during this time and what changes society was going through. This lack of knowledge could have a large impact on our understanding of McLuhan's speech. I was also confused as to what he was talking about when he was discussing our alphabet and the way it was impacting other cultures and societies. It would be very interesting to be able to ask McLuhan all of these questions to gain clarity!

  3. Hi Lindsay,

    Just as others have posted, I also had trouble fully understanding some of McLuhan's points. His language use and ideas are a bit abstract, but the times when he used analogies and examples really helped. Again, as others have said, I have sometimes been able to make connections between his ideas and today's multifaceted world of communication, and other times I think his analyses and predictions were way off. I really appreciate your connection of this video/transcript to the Serafini text. Great post!

  4. Ladies,
    I am right there with you. I included 2 short interviews with Mr. McLuhan in my post that dramatically increased my understanding of his long lecture.I think your description of acoustic literacy may have summed up what McLuhan wanted us to realize was the new mixed media landscape (in the 70's). He saw a need to tell the public that voice, or the acoustic, is spreading from audience to actor and quickly back again through our new "global village." Great job sifting through the McLuhan theories.
